Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bloody Painter

This is Helen, 14 years old. His dark circles feel as if he has never slept enough. He doesn’t care about his messy black hair, since he doesn’t like to put too much effort on tidying himself up; it’s unnecessary.

His seat is at the back of the classroom, next to the window; he alw
ays sits there drawing quietly, as it is like everything to him. He doesn’t like to socialize with people, making him a lonely one.

The Bloody Painter 

There was a person being pushed to the floor after school. That’s Tom, who is always the victim of bullying, not because he did anything before, it’s just the dislikes of people around him. These things happen often, and Helen is used to it. Though he does feel bad for Tom, he doesn’t want to interfere, as it is quite bothersome.

During recess, Judy says she’s missing her watch as she searches for it. Helen doesn’t help her, since it’s none of his business. Suddenly, someone sees something flashing in Helen’s bag.

“What’s this?” Ban says, as he puts his hand into the bag, and takes out a watch that is trimmed with fake diamonds. Helen is very surprised to see it, as he does not know how it got there. “Ah! That’s my watch!” Judy receives the watch from Ban after seeing the situation. Both of them stare at Helen with a weird glare. “It’s not me” says Helen, who is still drawing on his notebook without raising his head a bit. “Yeah right” Judy leaves the classroom with Ban as she concludes.

The following day, as usual, Helen sits at his table drawing. He notices that the atmosphere doesn’t feel right around him; people start whispering about him, and even a few starts calling him a “Thief”. He decides not to explain for himself, as he knows that it’s useless to do so.

As time passes, Helen becomes the new target of victim for people to bully; everything he does now is being exaggerated. He doesn’t like it, but he doesn’t resist. He keeps the feelings in his heart, keeping silent.

Until one day, Ban came to him and snatched his notebook, with his unfinished drawings on it. “Always doing these meaningless things” Says Ban as he tears down a few pages of drawings, tearing them into pieces, wanting to see Helen’s reaction. At this rate, the feelings that he has been holding bursts out. He punches Ban in the face, and starts the fight. Helen isn’t that powerful however, so he was beaten up in no time. Other students went to see the fight, without stopping it; some people even stomped him in his face and stomach.

Right after the bell rings, everyone stops what they’re doing and went back to their seats before the teacher came. Helen returns to his seat, as if nothing happened. The teacher enters the room later on, “Oh my, Otis (Helen)! What happened?” Helen has so many visible bruises on him that the teacher notices right after she enters the room. Everybody turns to look at him, waiting for him to give a response while glaring at him with a murderous look. “I fell from the stairs, Miss.” Helen replies as the glares disappear.

After returning home from school, his parents also ask him what happened, and he responds with the same answer. The blue jacket he is wearing covers all of the bruises other than those on his face. His parents believe it without doubts. Usually, when Helen’s parents ask his about how he is at school, he always says he’s fine. He even lied about making a lot of friends, living happily every day. Helen refuses to tell his parents the truth, since he doesn’t want to make his parents worry about him.

A few months later, he has gotten used to the negative comments about him, and getting hit or humiliated has been a normal event for him; he is completely immune to these things now. Who framed him in the first place? Why did the culprit do this? This doesn’t matter anymore. Nothing matters anymore now.

“Hi! You there?” Helen receives a message from an unknown user on Facebook. “Who’re you?” He replies. “I’m Tom, your classmate.” Tom has never interacted with him before. This surprised him a bit. “What is it?” Helen says. “Um… are you alright?” “It’s none of your business.” Helen concludes Tom’s question. Tom types for a while before coming up with, “Listen, I know how u feel right now. You’re in the same situation as I am. I really want to help u, but I can’t… sorry.” Afterwards, Tom and Helen text each other for a long time, and Helen feels much better after telling him all the pain and feelings he has been through. He can even joke around with Tom, often using “ : )” to show his happiness. This is the first time he thinks he has made a friend.

It is a warm weather in the afternoon. “Come meet me on the roof after the first period in the afternoon. We need to talk, don’t ask me y.” texted Tom last night. Following his instructions, Helen meets Tom on the roof, waving his hand and walking towards him as he says “Hey Tom! What’s up, friend?”. “Um… I have something to say…something important…” says Tom with a serious face. “Remember the watch thieving incident?” How could Helen forget about it? That was how he started suffering! Helen nods to show he remembers. “I was the culprit!” Tom looked down, scared to look into his eyes. “WHAT?!” Helen is shocked. “I stole Judy’s watch and framed you as the culprit.” “Why did you do this?” “With you as the new target of victim, my life is much better.” Tom smirks. It’s true however that, when everybody decides to bully Helen, they won’t bother Tom anymore. He’s just like an abandoned toy. For him that is totally perfect. As long as he keeps silent he will be able to live his school life safe and sound. He succeeded; the plan was outstandingly perfect.

Helen grabs the collar of his shirt, and, after pushing around a bit, they ended up near the edge of the roof. Tom slips and falls from the roof. Helen instantly grabs his hand, and tries to pull him back up, but Helen does not have that much strength to do so.

“I’m so sorry, Helen” Tom falls. Helen closes his eye, scared to look at what’s going to happen. He cannot imagine what will happen to one after falling from a 6 story tall building.

After the policemen arrive, they have an interview with Helen. He was too horrified by the accident, however, to say even a word.

Once again, Helen becomes the topic of discussion between students. Some people thinks Helen pushed Tom from the roof, but most of the others think that Tom committed suicide, and Helen failed saving him, because they saw him grabbing Tom’s hand before he fell.

That night, Helen was in his room crying, shivering, and he cannot stop the guiltiness from is growing inside of him. He needs to calm down, and suddenly a thought flashed in his mind: “It’s not my fault that Tom died. He deserves to die!” This makes him feel much better, and his guiltiness fades away too. Helen creepily smiles, “Tom has had his punishment… I suppose it’s time for others to have theirs, isn’t it?” His cries turn into laughter in the dark.

Helen’s classmates decide to have a party on the day of Halloween, but it’s not to celebrate Halloween, it’s just to have their friends come together to party. Of course, Helen was not invited to the party. The night before the day of Halloween Judy and Maggie were texting each other on Facebook. Both of them live in the school dorm, and Judy’s room is next to Maggie’s.

09:03 – Judy: who’s going to come on tomorrow’s party? I’m so excited : D
09:03 – Maggie: most of our class will be there. But I texted Ban so many times, and even though all the messages I sent are read, he just never replies to me. The hells wrong w/ him?
09:04 – Judy: he’s probably working I guess

09:06 – Maggie: something weird is happening…I’ve been hearing footsteps coming from my door 4 a long time…I think someone’s walking around the dorm
09:06 – Maggie: wait, I’ll go check
(Using the hole on the door, Maggie saw something unusual…)
09:07 – Maggie: o my god!! there’s a guy outside who’s wearing a mask and a blue jacket, and he’s holding a knife. and HES ALL BLOODY!!
09:07 – Maggie: f**k! he’s knocking my door now
09:08 – Maggie: oh god oh god oh god!!!!
09:08 – Judy: just calm down, and find a weapon or something
09:08 – Judy: protect yourself!
09:09 – Maggie: He’s turning the doorknob, good thing I locked it
09:09 – Maggie: I’m scared!!
09:09 – Judy: Maggie
09:09 – Maggie: what should I do?!
09:09 – Judy: Maggie, listen
09:09 – Maggie: SAVE ME!!
09:09 – Judy: Maggie, calm down
09:09 – Judy: Maggie
09:10 – Judy: Maggie?
09:10 – Judy: u there?

The message is shown to be read, but Judy just doesn’t see Maggie’s response. Suddenly Judy hears the sound of her room door opening. The instance she turns around, she feels a terrible pain on her stomach. A bloody person who is wearing a mask and a blue jacket bursts into the room and stabs her.

That night, all of the students who were in the dorm were murdered. No one knows how that killer did it. The murderer used the victims’ blood to paint on the walls of the dorm, with most of the paintings being the face “: )”. Many of the corpses were being chopped and mashed, possibly to get more “pigments”. Helen Otis, the culprit, is still missing currently. 

However, in the chat room where Judy and Maggie texted each other, a message was written that respond to Judy’s first message at 09:03:
“11:15 – Judy: don’t be excited about tomorrow : )" because there will be no tomorrow .

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Rake

The Rake

During the summer of 2003, events in the northeastern United States involving a strange, human-like creature sparked brief local media interest before an apparent blackout was enacted. Little or no information was left intact, as most online and written accounts of the creature were mysteriously destroyed.
The RakePrimarily focused in rural New York state and once found in Idaho, self proclaimed witnesses told stories of their encounters with a creature of unknown origin. Emotions ranged from extremely traumatic levels of fright and discomfort, to an almost childlike sense of playfulness and curiosity. While their published versions are no longer on record, the memories remained powerful. Several of the involved parties began looking for answers that year.
In early 2006, the collaboration had accumulated nearly two dozen documents dating between the 12th century and present day, spanning 4 continents. In almost all cases, the stories were identical. I’ve been in contact with a member of this group and was able to get some excerpts from their upcoming book.
A Suicide Note: 1964
"As I prepare to take my life, I feel it necessary to assuage any guilt or pain I have introduced through this act. It is not the fault of anyone other than him. For once I awoke and felt his presence. And once I awoke and saw his form. Once again I awoke and heard his voice, and looked into his eyes. I cannot sleep without fear of what I might next awake to experience. I cannot ever wake. Goodbye."
Found in the same wooden box were two empty envelopes addressed to William and Rose, and one loose personal letter with no envelope:
"Dearest Linnie,
I have prayed for you. He spoke your name."
A Journal Entry (translated from Spanish): 1880
"I have experience the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I have experienced the greatest terror. I see his eyes when I close mine. They are hollow. Black. They saw me and pierced me. His wet hand. I will not sleep. His voice (unintelligible text)."
A Mariner's Log: 1691
"He came to me in my sleep. From the foot of my bed I felt a sensation. He took everything. We must return to England. We shall not return here again at the request of the Rake."
From a Witness: 2006
"Three years ago, I had just returned from a trip from Niagara Falls with my family for the 4th of July. We were all very exhausted after a long day of driving, so my husband and I put the kids right to bed and called it a night.
At about 4am, I woke up thinking my husband had gotten up to use the restroom. I used the moment to steal back the sheets, only to wake him in the process. I apologized and told him I though he got out of bed. When he turned to face me, he gasped and pulled his feet up from the end of the bed so quickly his knee almost knocked me out of the bed. He then grabbed me and said nothing.
After adjusting to the dark for a half second, I was able to see what caused the strange reaction. At the foot of the bed, sitting and facing away from us, there was what appeared to be a naked man, or a large hairless dog of some sort. Its body position was disturbing and unnatural, as if it had been hit by a car or something. For some reason, I was not instantly frightened by it, but more concerned as to its condition. At this point I was somewhat under the assumption that we were supposed to help him.
My husband was peering over his arm and knee, tucked into the fetal position, occasionally glancing at me before returning to the creature.
In a flurry of motion, the creature scrambled around the side of the bed, and then crawled quickly in a flailing sort of motion right along the bed until it was less than a foot from my husband's face. The creature was completely silent for about 30 seconds (or probably closer to 5, it just seemed like a while) just looking at my husband. The creature then placed its hand on his knee and ran into the hallway, leading to the kids' rooms.I screamed and ran for the lightswitch, planning to stop him before he hurt my children. When I got to the hallway, the light from the bedroom was enough to see it crouching and hunched over about 20 feet away. He turned around and looked directly at me, covered in blood. I flipped the switch on the wall and saw my daughter Clara.
The creature ran down the stairs while my husband and I rushed to help our daughter. She was very badly injured and spoke only once more in her short life. She said "he is the Rake".
My husband drove his car into a lake that night, while rushing our daughter to the hospital. They did not survive.
Being a small town, news got around pretty quickly. The police were helpful at first, and the local newspaper took a lot of interest as well. However, the story was never published and the local television news never followed up either.
For several months, my son Justin and I stayed in a hotel near my parent's house. After we decided to return home, I began looking for answers myself. I eventually located a man in the next town over who had a similar story. We got in contact and began talking about our experiences. He knew of two other people in New York who had seen the creature we now referred to as the Rake.
It took the four of us about two solid years of hunting on the internet and writing letters to come up with a small collection of what we believe to be accounts of the Rake. None of them gave any details, history or follow up. One journal had an entry involving the creature in its first 3 pages, and never mentioned it again. A ship's log explained nothing of the encounter, saying only that they were told to leave by the Rake. That was the last entry in the log.
There were, however, many instances where the creature's visit was one of a series of visits with the same person. Multiple people also mentioned being spoken to, my daughter included. This led us to wonder if the Rake had visited any of us before our last encounter.
I set up a digital recorder near my bed and left it running all night, every night, for two weeks. I would tediously scan through the sounds of me rolling around in my bed each day when I woke up. By the end of the second week, I was quite used to the occasional sound of sleep while blurring through the recording at 8 times the normal speed. (This still took almost an hour every day)
On the first day of the third week, I thought I heard something different. What I found was a shrill voice. It was the Rake. I can't listen to it long enough to even begin to transcribe it. I haven't let anyone listen to it yet. All I know is that I've heard it before, and I now believe that it spoke when it was sitting in front of my husband. I don't remember hearing anything at the time, but for some reason, the voice on the recorder immediately brings me back to that moment.
The thoughts that must have gone through my daughter's head make me very upset.

I have not seen the Rake since he ruined my life, but I know that he has been in my room while I slept. I know and fear that one night I'll wake up to see him staring at me."

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Jane's Letter (AKA Jane The Killer)

Jane’s Letter (AKA Jane The Killer)
On a hot summer night around 4:33 in the morning, as Jeff the Killer took another victim—this time, a young wife, and also leaving her husband with a massive skull fracture as a result of blunt-force trauma, the only one to survive was the couple's 4-month-old baby that police have discovered crying in its crib. Along side the child, police have found a letter which was written on the back of a paper grocery bag in a black sharpie marker, and a Motorola Droid, faintly illuminated under the baby's blanket. The babysitter who was locked in the closet during the time claimed she smelled the lingering odor of women's cheap perfume and found body glitter on the baby's crib. But who was it from? Police were able to decipher the writing on the grocery bag and here's what it said:
if you are reading this, know that no matter how many innocent victims you claim or how much innocent blood you shed, I'm still coming for you in the end. All of the men and women you so viciously slaughtered and disemboweled, I beat you to it. I killed them not because I hate them, I imagined those victims were you as I took their lives. It was the mere vision of you that made me kill them. I never did like you, you greasy-headed, grinning, smug, ignorant son of a bitch. My black eyes may look like I'm void of vision, but I'm not stupid. Just remember, the night that you creep into a poor girl's bedroom, you're gonna fall head over heals down the fucking stairs with your guts caught on the broken glass of the window that I smashed you into. Tonight, when I reach you, evil will battle evil, winner kills all, and the only one who will not get out alive is you. I'm coming for you. Sleep well...

Jane The Killer

Jane The Killer

Listen, the only reason I'm going out of my way to tell any of you this is because the story "Jane the Killer" is starting to piss me off.

Jane The Killer

My real name is Jane Arkensaw, a.k.a. "Jane the Killer" and this is how I met Jeff, the reason I look the way I do, and why I want to kill him.
When I heard that a new family had moved in across the street, I wasn't that surprised. It was a nice neighborhood, and the house was relatively cheap considering where it was. I guess I was about 13-14 when everything went to hell.
I never really talked to Jeff when he moved in. To be frank I never talked to him until... that night. But it's too soon to talk about that now. My first impression of Jeff was that he was a good kid. Probably got nice grades, rarely got into fights, maybe even a cool guy if he opened up to someone.
His brother Liu, seemed like he put family first by the way he sat with his brother on the sidewalk. Of course I was just guessing at the time and really didn't put much thought into my analysis because I was getting ready for school when I looked out the window and I was running late, which was unusual for me at that time in my life because I was hardly ever late for anything. Especially school.
I wasn't surprised when I saw Randy and his stooges go up to Jeff and Liu on that stupid skateboard of his. Randy was nothing but a bully, he always picked on anyone who was smaller than him.
He was even the reason why my parents drove me to school instead of the letting me take the bus like everyone else. Everyone had their lunch money or some kind of cash given to Randy and his goons because of some "toll" that he demanded from everyone.
We all knew Randy's group had knives and threatened to use them on us we ever told anyone about the money they took from the other kids on the block. Everyone, except the new kids they were trying the intimidate like the rest of us.
When I saw Randy talking to them through the window I just looked away. It was wussy thing to do but. I had better things to do than watch another kid hand over his money to Randy. But curiosity got the better of me and I looked up a few seconds later. What I saw left me speechless. Jeff was standing now, and it looked like Randy already had what he wanted.
"Just sit down," I thought, "Don't be stupid".
Then I saw Jeff punch Randy in the face and break his wrist.
"Oh my god." I whispered. Then I yelled, "You Idiot!"
My parents ran down the stairs and asked what happened. Then they looked outside and saw what was going on. Jeff had already cut the skinny guy, I think his name was Keith, and he went down screaming. Troy only went down with a single punch. Since my house was across the street from where Jeff and his brother were sitting, with the front of the house having big windows, we saw the whole thing. Or at least I did, my parents came in after the part where Randy stole their wallet, so they didn't know the whole truth.
It was disturbing watching Jeff fight. He was enjoying himself too much. I felt a knot in my stomach like something was happening that shouldn't be, and from the look on Liu's face, Jeff didn't do this kind of thing often. Next thing I know I hear sirens and the new kids bolted out of there. The cops came around with the bus driver to check on the "victims". It seemed they were going to be alright.
You know, considering the amount of crap kicked out of them.
Since my parent's policy was "no cops" ever since my dad got framed by a narc cop when he wanted to draw attention off of himself when police were investigating the case of the missing coke. It ended with my dad quitting the force. So when we heard sirens we went into the backyard got into the car and left.
When my parents drove me to school they told me very clearly that they didn't want me talking to Jeff ever. I did not disagree with them.
I had art first period so I didn't see Jeff until close to the end of school. I can still see the colors in my artwork if I think hard enough. But when I try to look at anything now, it all seems gray. I guess that's the price someone pays for losing their innocence.
I didn't see Jeff until the final period of the day. When I did he seemed... off. At first I thought he was just faking the joy so people wouldn't suspect him for the crime that he did. But he really was enjoying himself. It wasn't because he was excited to be at school I could tell that much from him. The smile he wore looked sadistic to me. It was the smile of a madman. The second that bell rang I bolted out those doors as fast as I could. Nobody but me knew what Jeff really was. A freak.
The next day seemed to be passing without incident at first. Then I saw the police car in front of Jeff's house.
"Looks like they got you." I thought.
Nobody could gotten away with something like that (You know, with the neighborhood watch and everything.). But I was wrong with who they arrested. Instead of coming out with Jeff like I expected they would, the police came out with Liu, his brother.
I was barely forming the thought of Jeff framing his brother for the assault when he came out of the house yelling at Liu, "Liu tell them I did it!" (I was able to hear him this time because the front door was open to my house.).
I couldn't hear what Liu said in reply to Jeff's outburst, but it was definitely not what Jeff wanted to hear. A few seconds later, the police drove off with Liu, and Jeff was left outside with his mother. A few minutes later she went inside the house and left Jeff outside. Although I couldn't hear him from across the street, I could tell that he was crying.
But who wouldn't be in that situation.
The next day rumors were spreading like wildfire about Liu. It took so long for the rumors to get started because everyone was afraid to talk about Randy getting his ass handed to him. When it was revealed that he wouldn't be coming back to school for a few days, everyone decided to take advantage of that fact and enjoy it as much as possible, and lots of random bullshit started popping up.
"I heard Liu cut off Keith's arm!"
"Oh yeah? Well I heard that Liu hit Troy so hard in the stomach that he ralphed up blood!"
"That's nothing! I heard that he punched Randy so hard in nose that it came out the back of his head!" and etc, etc, etc.
Personally I didn't want anything to do with Jeff or his brother. But... he just looked so alone and upset that I had to do something. So I wrote him a note telling him that he had a friend in this place and that I was going to testify at Liu's trial about what really happened. I left the note at his desk signed with the letter "J" before class started, then left the room. When I came back Jeff was at his desk and the note was gone.
Saturday rolled around and I was home alone while my parents were at work. The kid next door was having a birthday party. At the time I left my window open because I wanted a nice breeze in my room while I did my homework. But the kids were getting so loud that I decided to close my window. I was about to close it when I saw Jeff playing with the kids. He was running around wearing one of those fake cowboy hats and carrying a toy gun. He looked so ridiculous I had to laugh.
"Maybe he isn't the monster I think he is." I thought, ashamed of myself for suspecting he could have been one.
As I was closing the window, I saw Randy, Keith, and Troy jump over the fence on their skateboards to where Jeff was.
"Not again!" I said to the open window.
I saw Randy and Jeff exchange small talk but I couldn't hear what they said over the sound of the kids yelling and screaming. Then Randy rushed at Jeff and tackled him. I was about to grab the phone and dial 911 when I heard Troy and Keith shout, "No one interrupts or guts will fly!" I looked out the window again and saw that they both had matching guns in their hands. I couldn't have called for help then without endangering the lives of others. I couldn't have called 911 anyway, the batteries in my phone was dead.
Jeff was on his side getting kicked by Randy in the face when he grabbed his foot and twisted it. Randy fell over and Jeff tried to walk back to the house when Troy grabbed him by the collar and threw him towards the house. I heard glass breaking and I knew then that they were going to kill him.
"Randy you asshat!" I screamed at him. But he couldn't hear me over the sound of the kids screaming.
I couldn't wait anymore, so I ran to my parent's bedroom and searched for my dad's cell phone, hoping that he forgot it at home. My heart was pounding in my chest, knowing that the longer it took for me to get help, the higher the chance of someone getting killed was. I finally found the phone underneath the bed. I wasted no time punching in the numbers.
"911 hello?"
"I need help there's an emergency going on next door! Some guys jumped the fence and are beating up someone! They've got guns you need to hurry please!"
"Okay miss I need you to tell me the address and I'll send help right away."
I quickly told her my address and the address of the house next door.
"Please hurry!" I said.
"It's okay just stay on the lin-" BANG BANG BANG!
I heard loud gunshots come from next door. I yelped and dropped the phone, it landed on the ground and broke. Then I ran to my bedroom window to try and figure out what was going on. But no sooner had I poked my head out the window I heard the whoosh of a fire and the screaming... I'm going to make Jeff scream like that again when I find him. The only thing I can compare it to is the death cry of an animal. It was at the time for me horrifying. But now it sounds like music to me and there is nothing I want to hear more in the world than him screaming.
I saw fire spew out of the house like an angry dragon. I ran downstairs immediately and got the portable fire extinguisher from the kitchen and ran outside. As I was running I popped the pin for the extinguisher for immediate use. Luckily the door was unlocked as I barged in but when I saw Jeff, I completely froze.
He was lying at the bottom of the stairs almost completely on fire with adults trying to put it out. I saw bits of his skin through all the commotion. Some parts pink, some parts charred, but it was all covered in red. At the sight of all this I screamed and then I passed out. Last thing I remember is some of the adults running towards me. Whether it was to help me or get the fire extinguisher I don't know.
When I came to I was in a hospital bed wearing one of those gowns that a patient wears. A nurse came in a few moments later. She had long brown hair in a bun hidden under her hat. She looked like she didn't want to be there. I asked her what happened.
"All I know is that you were brought in with a few other kids because you fell and hit your head on a fire extinguisher." she said, annoyed.
"A fire extinguisher?" I reached up my hand and touched my head. I felt bandages and a large bump the size of a orange. Then I remembered Jeff. "One of the guys that came in here with me, the one with the burns, is he going to be alright?"
She sighed, "Listen, there was two boys that were brought in with you that had burns, and no I'm not letting you see him just because he's your boyfriend."
I felt the heat rise in my face. "He isn't my boyfriend! I'm just worried about him! Wouldn't you be worried about someone who you just saw burning alive in front of you?!" I tried to keep my voice steady, but my voice quivered enough to make it sound like I was lying.
"Whatever. Your parents are here by the way. Wanna see them?" she asked.
"Yes, of course!" anything to get me away from that nurse.
My parents came in and the nurse finally left. They asked what happened. I told them everything. The fight, the note, all of it.
"I knew that Randy was no good!" my mom said.
"So have you heard anything about Jeff's condition?" I asked.
"No, not a thing," said my dad, "we just got here as soon as we heard about what happened to you."
"But who told you?" I asked. I didn't think I saw anyone at the party that my family knew.
"The hospital called us." mom said.
"Well I guess that makes sense." it made absolutely no sense to me of course. How would someone be able identify me without me having any form of identification.
I looked in the doorway and saw a man and a woman standing in there. My parents followed my gaze and saw them too.
"Excuse me, but is this Jane Arkensaw's room?" the woman asked.
"Yes." my mother answered, "Who are you?"
"I'm Margret, and this is Peter, my husband." she gestured to the man beside her. "We're Jeff's parents."
I sat up in my bed.
"I'm Isabelle, this is my husband Greg, and our daughter Jane." mom gestured to me.
"So, you're the girl who ran in with the fire extinguisher." Margret said.
"Yes." I replied quietly, embarrassed. "Is your son alright?"
"He just came out of surgery a few hours ago. The doctors said he will be fine."
I relaxed at that thought. "That's good." I said. "Listen. I know what happened to Jeff and Liu on their first day of school..." then I told Jeff's parents what really happened to Randy and his crew.
"We had no idea that Jeff was capable of something like this." Peter said.
"I am willing to testify that Liu didn't beat up anyone and that Jeff only beat up Randy and his gang in self-defense."
"No need," said Margret, "Liu is being released from jail after what happened to those boys."
"That's good." I said.
"We just came to say thank you for trying to help our son, Jane. It warms my heart to see selfless people in your generation."
I blushed, "I did anything anyone would have done in my situation." I looked down, "I'm not a hero."
"Nonsense!" Margret said, "The least we can do is invite you over to our place for dinner when Jeff gets out of the hospital!"
I looked at mom and dad. "It would be an honor." My mom said.
"It's settled then! We'll call you as soon as Jeff gets out of the hospital." we said our goodbyes and then they left.
About 2 days passed and I was allowed to be released from the hospital. During that time I had no contact with Jeff or his family, but I heard that Liu was released from jail and Jeff's wounds were healing.
When I got back to school, I became the center of attention, more or less because I was the only one who saw what happened at the party. But the only people I told about what happened were my friends: Dani, Marcy, and Erica. I didn't know what to tell them so I told them what I saw.
"Sounds like Jeff got his ass handed to him." said Dani, she had raven-black hair, with sapphire-blue eyes. She was usually the most level-headed of us.
"Well at least he went down fighting. I heard he took those idiots to the hospital with him." Erica snickered. She always dressed like she was from the 80's or something. Long, thigh-high rainbow colored socks, with hair to match, and always wearing some kind of backpack with her.
"He also took Jane to the hospital. Maybe she was trying to beat him up too." Marcy laughed. She seemed to be the "girly-girl" of our little group. She was blond with brown eyes, and nearly every time we saw her, she had some sort of pink on her. Whether it was the color of her shirt, or the jewelry around her neck, and she was one of the biggest drama-queens I knew. Always stretching out the truth or blowing something out of proportion.
"I told you, I went over there to try and help Jeff because something was wrong." I muttered. I was the "plain-Jane", brown hair, green-eyes, completely unremarkable looks wise.
"Or maybe... You wanted to see your love one last time before he left to go get help for himself." Marcy said in her dramatic voice.
I just looked at her with my eyes the size of dinner plates.
"Wha... What?"
"You can't deny it Jane Arkensaw! You have a crush on Jeff!"
Every blood cell in my body decided to migrate to my face at once when she said that.
"What?! No! I j-just wanted to help him that's all!"
"Liar! I saw you leave that note you left on his desk! What was it? A confession of your love for him?"
"No! It was nothing like that at all! I was just-"
"So you admit you left him a note then!"
"What do you mean?"
"I was guessing." she gave me a cynical little smile and then just waited for my response.
The other girls started laughing at me.
"Jane it's only a joke! I was just kidding!" Marcy smiled.
"Your face is redder than a tomato!" Erica cackled.
"I hate all of you." I grumbled.
"Oh, stop being so serious!" Dani put a hand on my shoulder. "Come on, let's get to class."
The weeks went by, everything seemed to be normal. I think Liu even made a few friends. Everything was normal and nothing happened. Then Liu came up to me one day and told me about Jeff.
"Excuse me, your name is Jane right?"
I turned around and looked. It was Liu.
"Yes. You're Liu right? Jeff's brother?"
"Yeah." he looked a little uncomfortable. Then again, so was I. "Look my parents wanted me to tell you that Jeff is getting his bandages removed in a few days, so expect a phone call inviting you to dinner soon."
"Okay, well, thank-you." I said.
He was about to turn away when I said, "Hey, listen, what you did for Jeff... that was really respectable."
"Thanks. I heard you tried to help my brother with a fire extinguisher. That was cool."
"Yeah? Well thanks. See you around, I guess."
"Yeah, see-ya."
I was watching him walk away when I heard a little voice beside me say, "Cheating on your boyfriend are you?"
"The fuck?! I turned around, surprised. It was Marcy.
"And with his own brother none the less!" she fake gasped.
"Shut-up!" I yelled. Then I turned my head to make sure Liu didn't hear me. He didn't.
"Lets just get to class." I grumbled.
Two days passed until the phone rang. My mom answered it. A few minutes later she got off and told me this:
"Jeff is getting out of the hospital today Jane."
I looked up at her and said, "That's great!"
"It looks like we'll be having that free dinner in a few days!" she chuckled.
A few hours passed and I heard a car pull into a driveway across the street. I looked out the window and saw Jeff's car in front of its house.
"Jeff's home." I thought. I decided to watch out of curiosity, to see what he would look like. Dear god how wrong I was.
His dad got out. Then his mom. Then Liu. But what I expected Jeff to look like couldn't be farther from what I saw. He had long black hair down to his shoulders, white, leathery skin, and that smile... that smile was the same smile I saw when he was in class after he beat up Randy, Keith, and Troy.
But Jeff looked right at me. Into my eyes I could feel those soulless, sadistic eyes burn right into my soul. I still shake from the memory even now as I type this. He seemed to be looking at me for hours with that smile until he looked away. I saw him walk into the house with his parents. I didn't even breathe until that door finally closed behind them. My parents came into the living room and asked me what was wrong.
My only reply was a long, loud, scream. Then I fainted.
When I finally woke up, it was dark outside. My parents weren't in their bedroom. The house was deathly quiet. I got up and went downstairs. I was wearing a long nightgown that I wasn't wearing before I fainted. I went downstairs to the kitchen. The lights were on, which was unusual, my parents always told me to turn off the lights in a room when I left it.
There was a note on the table.
I picked it up.
Scrawled on the paper was this:
''Aren't you coming to dinner? Your friends are here too."
I began to shake violently. I dropped the paper. I went to the living room window and looked out. The lights were on in Jeff's house. I knew that I had to go there, but I was terrified out of my mind. I shook my head and looked back again. I saw Jeff leaning on the window in his house staring at me with a knife in his hand and tapping it against the window.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
He was still smiling.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
I started stepping back from the window, never taking my eyes off of him. Then I turned and ran away from the window into the kitchen. When I peaked out of the kitchen to look out the window, all I saw was a smear of red on the window.
I turned around and looked at the kitchen. Everything seemed to be in its place. Even the knives. I grabbed one of them and held on tight. Then I found the phone and tried to dial 911. But the phone line was disconnected. I had no idea where dad's cell phone was, or if it was even fixed. I didn't want to go upstairs to find it. I didn't want to get stabbed in the back while I was looking for it; and if I went to ask one of the neighbors for help, Jeff could kill or hurt whoever he have captive. So there was only one choice. To go fight Jeff alone.
I clutched the knife tighter and went to the front door, put on my shoes, and went outside. My hand lingered on the doorknob as I stepped outside. But I knew what I had to do. I let go of the doorknob and marched across the street to Jeff's house.
As I got closer to front door of his house I began to slow down. My knees began to shake, my palms began to sweat, and I started to breathe faster and shallower. before I knew it I was standing completely still on the front doorstep panting like a dog. I manned up grabbed the doorknob squeezed my eyes shut and jerked it open.
I stood there in the doorway with a knife in my right hand and the doorknob in my left, too terrified to open my eyes. Until I heard a voice say, "Looks like you made it. I'm glad you did, friend." I opened my eyes. Then screamed.
His eyes were large and unblinking, and his smile was red. He had carved a smile into his face! His clothes were covered in blood, and then I passed out.
When I woke up I was at a dining room table. My knife was gone, and when I looked up, I saw people sitting at the table. It was my parents, Jeff's parents, his brother Liu, and my friends. They were all dead. With smiles carved into their faces and huge red cavities in their chests. The smell was unbearable, it's indescribable... unlike anything I had ever smelled before. It was the smell of death.
I tried to scream but I had a gag in my mouth and I was tied to a chair. I looked around at the room in disbelief. Tears were welling up in my eyes from the sight and smell of the bodies.
"Look who's finally awake."
I turned and looked beside me. Jeff was there. I tried screaming but the gag was in the way. Suddenly he was beside with the knife against my throat.
"Shhhhhhh, shush, shush, shush. It's not polite to scream at friends." he began sliding the blade across my face. Constantly tracing invisible lines from the corners of my mouth up my cheeks in a large grinning smile. I shivered as he did this. When I turned away from him he grabbed the back of my head and forced me to look at the scene at the table. "Now, now, don't be rude, you're insulting everyone by not looking at their pretty faces."
I looked back at the table, looking at everyone with their faces carved into smiles and some with their chests still bleeding fresh blood. Hot tears began running down my face and I began to sob.
"Awww what's wrong?" Jeff purred, "Are you upset that you don't look beautiful like them?"
I looked at him, trying to understand what he said. But I looked away when I saw his face again and looked back to the table.
"Don't worry, I'll make you look beautiful too. What do you say?" he then slid the knife under the gag and cut it off.
I spat out the gag and looked at him straight in his eyes, trying to hold his gaze. He tilted his head to the side as he looked back at me. Then I shut my eyes and looked away from him. Then I muttered darkly, "Go fuck yourself." then I turned to look at him again, "You Joker reject!"
He just laughed in my face. I preferred it when he just smiled.
"You're even funnier than I thought."
He came closer to me. I looked away again, feeling his breath against my skin.
"Friends do Friends favors right? Well I'm going to do a favor for you."
I felt him let go of the back of my head. When I looked back he was out of the room. I looked back at the table once more, taking it all in. Fresh tears started to come down my face again as I remembered my family and friends who were alive only a few hours ago. I was still crying when Jeff came back.
"Don't cry." he said, "It'll be all over soon."
I looked down at him and saw he was holding a jug of bleach and a can of gas.
My eyes widened and I looked back at him.
"I didn't have any alcohol, so this will have to do."
Then he began to douse me in bleach and gasoline.
"We had better hurry, Jane. I've already called the firemen."
Then he held up a single match.
Lit it.
Then threw it at me.
The flames erupted as soon as the match came into contact with me. I screamed as loud as possible. The pain was unbearable. I could feel the flesh melting off my body, the heat invading every pore in my body. Blood evaporating in its veins, and my bones becoming charred and brittle.
Before I blacked out, I heard Jeff laughing, "See you later my friend! I hope you become as beautiful as I am! AHAHAHAHA!"
Then everything went black.
When I woke up I was sitting in a hospital bed, bandaged from head to toe. Everything was spinning, and it hurt to blink, and breathe.
I looked around and saw an empty room. I groaned loudly because my mouth was bandaged. Everything hurt. A nurse came in a few minutes later.
"Jane? Can you hear me?"
I looked towards her. The room started spinning even more.
"Jane, I'm your nurse, Jackie, I don't know how to say this but, you family died in the fire. I'm sorry."
Tears started falling down my face again. I sobbed.
"No honey, don't cry. You won't be able to breathe if you do."
I couldn't stop.
"Jane I'm going to give you something to help you calm down alright?"
I felt something run into my bloodstream, then I fell asleep again.
When I woke up again I could move more and my body wasn't as bandaged as it was when I first woke up. I looked around and saw that my room had flowers in it. Some were fresh, some were dying. I tried to get up but a nurse came in and put me back down.
"Easy Jane, you've been asleep for a while. Try to take it easy."
I tried to speak. My voice came out rough, and sand-papery. "How, how long was I asleep?"
"Almost 2 weeks. You were put in a medically induced coma in order for your body to heal. I'm the same nurse you saw the first time you woke up."
"Give me a mirror." I said.
"Jane, I don't think that's wi-"
I felt the handle of a mirror get slipped into my hand. When I looked into the mirror I dropped it onto the floor. The shattering of the mirror didn't compare to the shattering of my realization. My skin was leathery and brown, I didn't have a single hair on my head, and the skin around my eyes were saggy. I looked almost as bad as Jeff.
Everything came flooding back for me. I began to cry harder than I ever had before. The nurse was hugging me but it didn't help much. At the height of my sobbing, I was surprised that nobody else came in to check up on me. By the time I was done, I could barely speak.
Someone came into the doorway.
"Excuse me, I have a delivery for a 'Miss Arkensaw'?"
"I'll take those." Jackie stood up and went to the doorway. I didn't want the delivery guy to look at me so I stared at the wall in front of me.
"Someone certainly cares about you Jane. It looks like the same person who sent you all these flowers got you a package too."
I looked around at her. She was holding a pink paper package tied with brown string. I reached out and took it from her. The second I took that package from her I knew something was wrong.
"Excuse me but, could I have something to eat?" I asked as sweetly as possible.
"Of course, I'll get you some food right away." Jackie smiled back, then left the room.
My hands shook as I grabbed the string and pulled it. The paper lightly bounced up and I saw something that turned my blood to ice. It was a white mask with black around the eyes and a black feminine smile. It also had black lace covering the eye holes of the mask, so even though someone couldn't see my eyes, I could see them. There was also a long, black dress with a turtleneck, black gloves, and a black wig with beautiful curls. Along with all these things, there was a bouquet of black roses and a sharp kitchen knife.
Attached to the mask there was also a note:
'"Jane, I'm sorry I messed up with trying to make you beautiful. So I gave you a mask that will let you seem beautiful until you get better. Also you forgot your knife, I thought you would want it back."'
'-Jeff '
By the time nurse Jackie came back, the present was hidden under my bed. I told her all that was there was the flowers. She seemed to be disgusted by them so she threw them out. I thanked her for that.
That night, when everyone was either asleep or gone home, I sneaked out. The only thing I had to wear was that dress. So I put it on and I found a pair of shoes outside in the hallway, forgotten by some careless nurse. I wore the wig to look less inconspicuous.
I didn't know where I was going, and I didn't care. When I finally stopped walking, I was in front of a cemetery. I went inside and found two tombstones. Isabelle Arkensaw and Gregory Arkensaw. I sat down in front of their tombstones and cried once more. When I finally sat up, the sun was beginning to rise, and so was a new chapter in my life. I took the mask and put it on. Then picked up the knife and held it as tightly as I did before. Then I turned around and looked at the rising sun, on that day I swore my revenge against Jeff the Killer and donned my new name "Jane Everlasting". For I want the only thing to be more everlasting for Jeff than his madness to be his death.
Ever since that day I have been trying to find Jeff and kill him.
Hunting him.
Hunting him like the animal he is.
I will find you Jeff, and I will kill you.
As for the photo that has been popping up of me saying: "Don't go to Sleep, You won't wake up" that pretty much explains what I want to do with Jeff's victims, prevent them from becoming victims in the first place. Whoever said that I kill them so they don't get killed by Jeff is a gross overstatement.
So, this is my story. Whether you accept it as fact is not up for me to decide. Now if you excuse me, the sun is going down, and the hunt is beginning once more.